Clomid 50mg Balkan Pharmaceuticals


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Clomid buy in Ukraine

Clomid is one of the most popular estrogens. Athletes use it during rehabilitation therapy after anabolic courses. If you want to buy Clomid at an attractive price, then contact our online store.

Properties and characteristics of Clomid

This antiestrogen belongs to the class of selective estrogen-type receptor blockers. Its active ingredient Clomiphene Citrate is very similar in molecular structure to Tamoxifen, another popular drug actively used by athletes. In fact, in sports, only two properties of the drug are of the greatest importance:

Effective blocking of estrogen-type receptors. Stimulation of the pituitary arch.

The fact is that during the period of PCT, it is extremely important for athletes not only to reduce the activity of female hormones, but also to accelerate the process of secretion of the endogenous male hormone. With these tasks, Clomid copes admirably. Note that the antiestrogen is not able to influence the aromatization process. That is why we recommend that athletes order Clomid for PCT and not use it directly on the course. Also, an additional bonus of the drug is its ability to stimulate the process of spermatogenesis and improve the quality of seminal fluid. On the net, you can easily find reviews about Clomid, which will confirm all of the above.

Features of using Clomid in bodybuilding

Recommended daily doses of the drug are in the range of 50-150 mg. The exact dose depends on the severity of your course. If the athlete used light anabolics, then it is enough to use 50 mg of Clomiphene Citrate daily for 3-4 weeks.However, if the course was heavy, then you have to change the pattern of using the antiestrogen.

In such a situation, the duration of the PCT will be 45 days. You will have to divide this time period into three stages of the same duration. After that, it remains to use daily 100, 50 and 25 mg. Most often, bodybuilding enthusiasts conduct light and medium courses. We have already said above that in such a situation it is enough to take Clomid with an even background throughout the entire rehabilitation therapy.

It is also worth saying that women will not need this drug to improve athletic performance. The fact is that it can disrupt the endocrine system, which will lead to serious negative consequences.


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