Masteron 100mg / Cipla


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A drug mastirox p 100 mg buy it can be found in our online store, it is a classic masteron. The steroid is based on drostanolone propionate. This active ingredient is characterized as a powerful androgen, endowed with an additional moderate anabolic activity. It is this combination of the main properties of the drug that distinguishes it from other AAS.

Although drostanolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, it does not interact so actively with androgen receptors. In addition, the drug is not characterized by estrogenic activity, which makes it safe enough for men. Women, in turn, this drug is not suitable.

Positive properties and effects of Mastirox P

In addition to the unique combination of anabolic and androgenic activity, drostanolone is also characterized by antiestrogenic properties. This is one of the main reasons professional athletes often decide mastirox p 100 mg order. Moreover, the steroid is actively used not only in bodybuilding, but also in power sports. It allows you to quickly increase the power parameters without a significant set of muscle mass.

Note that bodybuilders use it primarily for drying, and also in conjunction with aromatizing AAS to reduce the concentration of estrogens. Using bundles with powerful mass-gathering steroids, you have the opportunity to improve the quality of the mass. We note the main properties of the drug:

  • Dramatically increases strength parameters without causing rapid growth of muscle fibers.
  • It has antiestrogenic activity.
  • Helps to improve the relief of muscles.
  • Strong fat burning properties.
  • Does not have toxic properties in relation to the liver.

In conclusion, the conversation about the positive properties of the drug will also be noted by the fact that mastirox p 100 mg price looks the most attractive. This was made possible thanks to close cooperation with Cipla, the manufacturer of the drug.

Rules for the use of Mastirox P in bodybuilding

The weekly dosages of the steroid are in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 grams. Since the active ingredient of the drug has a low half-life, it is necessary to give injections after two days. This cycle can last from two to three months. An excellent choice for athletes will be combined courses. There are no restrictions in this matter, and any steroid will do. During the drying period, stanozolol, primobolan, oxana, testosterone propionate or turik are most often used by builders.

Mastirox P reviews

The popularity of the steroid is steadily growing and reviews about it are increasingly appearing on the network. All athletes note the high quality of the drug and its effectiveness. After his courses, there is practically no rollback and all the results obtained by them will be preserved. Many of you are probably curious about the side effects. With a properly organized course, serious problems do not arise. Some builders talk about itching at the puncture site, as well as the appearance of drowsiness.

Since these effects are of a single nature, they are most likely associated with the reaction of the body of a particular athlete. In conclusion, we say that when combining drostanolone with bold, a strong increase in appetite is often observed. This can understandably cause problems for some bodybuilders to adhere to the nutrition program.


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