Stanazolol 50mg/ml Zhenzhou Pharm LTD China


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    Description: ZPHC STANOZOLOL10ml/50mg Zhengzhou (Stanozolol)
    Manufacturer: ZPHC

    Class: Anabolic steroid

    Dosage form: aqueous suspension for injection

    Anabolic Index: 320% of Testosterone

    Androgenic effect: low, about 30% of testosterone

    Conversion to estrogens: none

    Hepatotoxicity: Moderate

    Duration of the active period: 8 hours

    Time spent in tissues: 320-340 days

    ZPHC STANOZOLOL10ml / 50mg Zhengzhou (Stanozolol) is a drug that is deservedly popular and in demand among strength athletes, a derivative of dihydrotestosterone.

    pharmachologic effect
    Stanozolol was developed in the 60s by the American company Winthrop Laboratories for postoperative rehabilitation and treatment of anemia. It was also used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of debilitated animals.

    In the mid-80s, it became widely used in strength sports for the formation of a beautiful and pronounced muscle relief, venous visibility and normalization of the athlete's mass indicators.

    The pharmacokinetic properties of the drug allow it to be used to eliminate body fat. Winstrol does not aromatize and does not contribute to water retention in the body, which eliminates the phenomenon of rollback after the end of the course. The drug is used at the stages of precompetitive preparation.

    Winstrol increases appetite, increases the content of free testosterone in the blood and increases endurance. This tool is used by swimmers, runners and even chess players.

    Winstrol keeps the body normal during hard and intense training.

    The drug allows you to achieve a long-term effect of increasing the muscle into which the injection is made.

    Application and dosage
    The duration of the Winstrol course for relief and drying is 6-8 weeks. The optimal dosage is 50 mg daily. Beginners are recommended to start with 10 mg, bringing the volume to the optimum within a week.

    During the course, it is advisable to take special sports nutrition for relief.

    Winstrol is sometimes used in courses for weight gain, in this embodiment it is combined with stronger androgenic drugs Danabol, Anadrol. Such courses should be combined with taking aromatase inhibitors, and Tamoxifen should be used in PCT.

    For drying and preparation for the competition, Winstrol is combined with Trenbolone.

    Side effects
    The use of the drug in strictly recommended doses reduces the risk of negative reactions to a minimum. With increasing doses, joint pain, increased pressure, and liver dysfunction may occur.

    ZPHC STANOZOLOL10ml/50mg Zhengzhou (Stanozolol) a drug trusted by experienced and professional athletes


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