Sustaged 250mg/ml Euro Prime Pharmaceuticals


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Every year it becomes harder to buy Sustaged 250 in Ukraine without prepayment, as well as many other drugs, not all online stores want to work openly. This is associated with high risks in the field of sale of steroid drugs. Of course, this does not attract customers at all, but there are simply no other options. Despite this situation, you can still find sellers who can send your order by cash on delivery, Sustanon is also no exception.

Sustaged 250 Euro Prime EPF comes in a large bottle of 10 ml which is a great money saver. The main qualities of this drug are no different from the standard Sustanon. The proposed company on the Ukrainian market is considered young, but the quality of the entire line of steroids is really at a high level. The new manufacturer is trying to prove itself as best as possible and therefore pays great attention to the implementation of all production standards, which cannot be said about some famous brands.


This drug was originally created for use in conventional medicine. It was often prescribed to increase testosterone levels in a man's body. There are some types of diseases that require additional administration of testosterone for the normal functioning and development of the body. The excellent properties of this drug have been noticed by many athletes and today Sustanon 250 has become an integral part of a good course for strength and mass.

The drug includes 4 different testosterone esters, which have different durations of their effects.It is believed that each testosterone is included in the work in turn. Thus, the athlete can use the drug only once a week, getting a good result. As a rule, this is more suitable for beginners, but more experienced athletes stick to weekly dosages of 500 mg (2 shots per week).

Sustaged 250 has an anabolic activity equal to 100% of testosterone, which successfully allows you to gain muscle mass, and in addition 100% androgenic effect significantly accelerates this process. If you want to quickly gain muscle mass and strength, then this drug will help you inexpensively get the desired result.

The drug contributes to a rapid increase in strength and endurance, so it is often used in power sports. Already after the first injections, the athlete can feel at the next training all the charm of the work of the selected drug. Many note that the surge of strength and endurance is very fast and noticeable.

Please note that the effect of Sustanon on the body of an athlete has an aromatization character, which leads to fluid retention and sometimes to undesirable side effects. On the course, Sustanon 250 can accumulate fluid in muscle fibers and, with enhanced nutrition, increase fat mass. This is a fairly common occurrence when using vitamins of a similar nature. This can be avoided by taking anti-estrogens.

Course of taking Sustanon

How to take Sustanon 250 correctly is a very important point, because there are many topics on this issue and it is not always possible to find the best option. To begin with, it is worth considering the Sustanon solo course, this is not the most common option for taking the drug, but sometimes beginners consider this method.Previously, it was considered inexpensive and effective, but with today's prices for all drugs, each course is expensive.

It is advisable to take any Sustageda course for a maximum of 8 weeks, the minimum course can start from 5 weeks. Now many athletes most often buy a minimum course for 5 weeks, this is due primarily to savings. Profitable purchase of a bottle of Sustaged for 10 cubes makes you do the shortest possible course.

The average dosage in one week is 500 mg, or 2 cubes. It is desirable to inject the drug with an equal interval, on Monday one cube and for example, on Thursday one cube. This is the average dosage for Sustanon. Of course, you can take a slightly higher dosage of 3 or yes 4 ampoules per week, but this is for more experienced athletes. If you are inclined to believe that the effect of this drug has a long period and the frequency of its injection can be much less frequent, then the result will be very weak. In practice, an injection once a week leaves few people satisfied; this is suitable for beginners who are not at all demanding athletes. The best option for a visible result is 2 cubes, or 2 ampoules per week.

But still, Sustanon -250 is mainly ordered, in the course with other drugs, and this makes it possible to reduce dosages and get a significantly better result. To avoid fluid retention, this drug is recommended to be used with oral drugs: Turinabol, Stanozolol, Oxandrolone. This will help to get better muscle mass, which is well preserved and will not merge immediately after the end of the course.

On the course Sustaged 250

The Susta course, regardless of the manufacturer, even Organon is no exception, necessarily leads to fluid retention.This aromatization process is inherent in this remedy and for many it will be beneficial to keep it to a minimum. On the course of Sustanon 250, estrogenic activity increases due to an increase in the female hormone in the male body and water in the muscles, this is not the worst thing that happens. There are cases of incorrect courses, or rather the use of inappropriate dosages that lead to hardening in the nipple area, gynecomastia. It is much harder to deal with this problem and it is better to take care in advance that this does not happen.

When planning your course, whether it is solo or several drugs, it is also recommended to order Proviron. It is included in the middle of the course and taken 1 tablet every day until the end of the steroids. This well helps to block the appearance of estrogen and, accordingly, removes the main side effects on the course. Accordingly, fluid retention will be minimized, which means that the quality of the muscles will improve significantly. Consequently, after the course there will be nothing to merge, dry muscles will remain. This is not an expensive and effective option for a beginner and an average athlete. Gonadotropin is used in strong cycles and often athletes do not correctly perceive their cycle, planning just brutal after cycle therapy.

A good option in the course with Sustanon is to buy oral steroids, which in themselves reduce estrogenic activity and thereby suppress fluid retention and side effects. An excellent ready-made course of Turinabol + Sustanon will help to gain high-quality muscles and significantly increase strength. This course is considered popular and in practice, many average athletes liked it.Also, Sustanon can be combined with similar oral steroids Stanozolol, Oxandrolone, but Danabol, Anabol, Methane will provoke even more accumulation of fluid and fat, with an emphasis on gaining total body weight.

What is better after the course

After a course of any complexity, it is advisable to use the drug for recovery. If you take into account the purchase of Sustanon for a course, or use in a course with other vitamins, then you will definitely encounter suppression of the reproduction of testosterone itself. Sustanon itself is direct testosterone and it significantly oversaturates the athlete's body with an artificial male hormone, which accordingly causes the body to stop producing its own.

It is after the course that it is recommended to apply PCT for a quick recovery. Used, or Clomid, or Tamoximed, the most common and effective way. It is worth starting their reception 10 days after the end of the course. It is taken 1 tab. Every day for 20 days. The point is that artificial testosterone is no longer administered and quickly leaves our body, and our own recovery has a very long period. If nothing is done in taking PCT, then the results are hard to keep. PCT after the course helps to speed up the entire recovery process, thereby favorably affecting retention. Thus, you can quickly recover and prepare your body for the next, better course.


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