Boldenone 300mg Pharmacom


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Pharmabold 300 produced by Pharmacom Labs has anabolic activity similar to testosterone, but the androgenic properties of the drug are only half. The steroid is based on such an active ingredient as boldenone undecylenate, which was previously actively used to solve certain problems in veterinary medicine.

In fact, boldenone is an improved version of methandienone. However, compared to the most popular methane, Pharmabold 300 is a long-acting drug that is unable to aromatize. In professional sports, boldenone is a great success.

Benefits of PharmaBold

Among the advantages of this drug, we note:

  • A slow increase in quality mass and in one course you can gain about 8 sour.
  • Power parameters increase.
  • Increases appetite and very significantly.
  • Due to the acceleration of the hematopoietic system, endurance increases.
  • Stimulates the production of erythropoietin.
  • Pharmabold 300 works from 15 to 25 days.

How to take Pharmabold 300

The duration of the drug cycle is most often 3 months. The weekly dosage is in the range of 0.8 to 1 gram. We do not recommend exceeding these values, because this will only increase the risk of side effects, and the effectiveness of the course will remain unchanged.

Quite often, the drug is part of combined cycles. To do this, you can use winstrol or oxandrolone (drying), as well as testosterone or trenbolone (mass gain). Note that the duration of combined cycles should be 2.5 months, since in this situation the concentration of exogenous male hormone increases dramatically. Depending on the AAS combinations used, aromatase inhibitors and cabergoline should be included in the course.


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