CJC-1295 Canada Peptides


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CJC 1295 a peptide hormone, also known as GHRH, which is designed to stimulate the production of growth hormone. CJC 1295 directly affects the pituitary gland, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of growth hormone in the human body. CJC 1295 has been successfully used in the west for a long time. At first it was used in combination with other peptides at the end of the steroid cycle to enhance the anabolic effect, but now CJC 1295 (you can buy it in our store) is in direct competition with many anabolic steroids and is absolutely safe and legal drug. The half-life of the peptide is 30 minutes, which is considered a pretty good indicator. Due to its long half-life and stability in effects, CJC 1295 is becoming increasingly popular.

A number of clinical trials have shown that even a single administration of this peptide causes a significant increase in growth hormone levels!

What are the effects of this drug?

Numerous studies have proven that CJC 1295 has the same properties and positive effects as regular growth hormone. However, this is quite natural, because the mechanisms of their action are very similar. The following effects of this drug can be distinguished:

  • increasing the energy potential of the body,
  • strengthening and restoration of the human bone and cartilage system,
  • significant acceleration of the fat burning process,
  • stimulation of the growth of muscle mass and strength,
  • general strengthening of health and immunity,
  • reduction of recovery time after prolonged physical exertion,
  • slowing down the aging process and general rejuvenation of the body.

In order to slow down the aging process, it is enough to administer this drug once a day (before going to bed). In bodybuilding and powerlifting, CJC 1295 is used in several other ways, which will be discussed below.

Features and methods of using the drug

The drug must be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. A single optimal dose is taken at the rate of 1-2 mcg per kilogram of body weight. Such injections must be performed up to three pieces to achieve the best anabolic effect, or once to rejuvenate the body. Thus, with an athlete weighing 100 kg, a single injection will be 100 μg of CJC 1295, and one bottle will last for 7-20 days, depending on how many injections will be per day.

The drug must be diluted in 1-2 ml of special injection water. Injections must be performed at a minimum interval of three hours. The best time to take the peptide: after training, before bedtime, before meals.

Combination with other peptides

CJC 1295 pairs very well with GHRP-6 or GHRP-2, as confirmed by a number of studies. The joint intake of these peptides allows you to achieve the so-called synergistic effect, when all components mutually reinforce the positive effects of each other. In simpler terms, if, for example, the effect of CJC 1295 is conditionally estimated at 2 points, and the effect of GHRP-6 at 4 points, then the total effect of both drugs should be equal to 6 (2 + 4 = 6). However, here a synergistic effect comes into play, when the total sum of the effects is greater than the effects of each drug taken separately. Then the effect of the combined use of these two peptides will be 10 (2+4=10). Thus, complex use allows you to mutually enhance the anabolic effect and save money.

Course duration: 6-12 weeks.


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